Sunday, March 30, 2008

Recycle Injet Cartridges, Ipods and PDA's at a Post Office Near You.

This is kind of a cool thing that my friend Joanne sent to me. Apparently the post office is starting a pilot program in 10 cities including DC, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Chicago where they will accept inkjet cartridges, PDA's, IPOD's, Digital Cameras, Blackberries, and MP3 players. They will have self addressed postage paid envelopes by the window and you can take as many as you want.  

The company that will deal with all this e-waste, Clover Technologies, won out over 19 other companies, largely for it's "zero waste to landfill" commitment, which means that they will do everything they can to refurbish units, and when that is not possible, to re-use and recycle as many of the parts as possible.

Making recycling of potentially hazardous materials seems like a great deal and the easier it is for folks to do, the more they'll do it.

Check it out.

Live Sustainably


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